blockchain accounting

Although blockchain technology offers promising benefits, its incorporation into accounting education remains underexplored. Critics argue that traditional accounting curricula often struggle to keep pace with technological advancements, potentially compromising the relevance of accounting education in the rapidly changing professional landscape (Qasim and Kharbat, 2020; Al-Hattami, 2021, 2023). As a result, there is a critical need to bridge this gap by integrating blockchain technology into accounting curricula, providing students with the necessary skills for future success (Qasim and Kharbat, 2020; Sledgianowski et al. 2017; Polimeni and Burke, 2021; Singh et al. 2023).

blockchain accounting

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• Being a service auditor for a blockchain used by a consortium of companies to ensure the controls on a blockchain. As the copies of data are available what is the average cost of utilities to multiple users, there is no room for accounting errors. Also, each block is verified and validated by multiple users with network access.

blockchain accounting

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(2018), “Designing confidentiality-preserving blockchain-based transaction processing systems”, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Vol. Academics, together with practitioners, should work on specifying how these regulatory dimensions need to be developed, what type of disclosures are relevant to cryptocurrencies and how disclosure costs may further impact market uncertainty (Cao et al., 2018). Clarifying the regulatory framework will probably also lead to more ICOs, as initiators will be better prepared and be able to respond to uncertainty in blockchain policy by increasing their voluntary disclosures (Zhang et al., 2021; Gurrea-Martínez and Remolina, 2018). Research on the efficiency and effectiveness of ICOs will be of high interest in the future. The following views regarding the future research trends were framed by the insights in the previous section and reviewing the most representative papers for each topic.

Permissioned Blockchains

  1. Then when the time comes that blockchain technology directly impacts your business, you’ll be ready.
  2. Therefore, to ensure the security of information in a blockchain, there is a need to implement internal and cybersecurity controls that consider privacy preservation issues (Chohan, 2017; Coyne and McMickle, 2017; O’Leary, 2017).
  3. Faculty members, who play a central role in technology integration, need support and training to encourage positive attitudes toward blockchain adoption.
  4. In blockchain, the transaction verification process is not managed centrally.

TAM is a widely recognized leading model for explaining behavioral intention as a solid foundation. The study utilized the key variables from TAM—perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude, and behavioral intention (Davis, 1989; Gado et al. 2022; Ullah et al. 2021; Al-Hattami, 2023; Al-Hattami and Almaqtari, 2023; Al-Adwan et al. 2023). Despite the increasing interest in blockchain technology and its potential applications in accounting, there is limited research on the intention to adopt and integrate blockchain within accounting education. For instance, a PWC (2018) study revealed that 84% of surveyed executives considered blockchain important, yet only 15% had implemented it in their organization.

What Does it Mean for the Accounting Profession?

To fill this gap, the current study examines Indian university faculty members’ intentions regarding blockchain integration in accounting education. Specifically, the study uses the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to evaluate faculty members’ attitudes and perceived usefulness of blockchain adoption, while also investigating how organizational support (OS) influences these intentions. The same approach to external auditing appliesto internal auditors whose main duty is to provideassurance and consultation to improve theprocesses of governance, risk management andcontrol systems. The same procedures executedby external auditors can be executed by internalauditors when completing a financial audit. A smart contract is a code that reflectsthe terms and conditions of a contract between theentity and the supplier and executes itself without anyhuman intervention. For operational audits, internalauditors may review the flow of procedures bytracing all internal transactions in the blockchain thatoccurred during a specific period and ensuring thatall objectives were met.

blockchain accounting

Blockchain technology development is still in its early stage, fraught with failures and will certainly look very different in a few years. With the World Wide Web, the first websites were rudimentary, but now are deeply embedded in daily lives and economies. So with blockchain, it will likely develop into and become a more prevalent feature of daily and economic life. This means that it’ll also save you and your bookkeeper tons of time while also making it easier to audit your own financial records. During an audit, an accounting professional can easily confirm that a transaction happened, but the transaction details aren’t recorded.

The block (or transaction) is broadcasted to every authorized member of the network. Once all the members validate the transaction (i.e., approve the payment) a block is then added to the chain of transactions, which provides an immutable and transparent record of the transaction. The money is then transferred from company X to company Y, and the transaction is complete. The security of the blockchain prevents a hacker from acting as an authorized member of the network.

It also has certain principles around transparency, such as anybody can examine a public transaction from a blockchain such as Bitcoin, Aetherium, and others. Blockchain can slow down when there are fewer transactions on the network and more competition for processing them. Block sizes are restricted, and Blockchain depends on a network of ‘miners’ – Blockchain users who validate transactions in a new block – to solve complex mathematical problems for a spot-on new blocks. Blockchain technology makes transactions immutable, meaning they cannot be changed or deleted once validated by the public consensus and added to the Blockchain. Moreover, this Accounting system operates on a consensus mechanism, wherein network participants must collectively agree on the validity of transactions before they are added to the ledger.

The tool is compatible with multiple public blockchains and digital assets, including Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, Ripple, Dash, and all ERC20 tokens, with more being added on demand. Broadly speaking, financial systems—especially accounting systems—are being pushed from the physical world to the digital world. To some, blockchain represents a “movement” rather than a technology and describes migration to blockchain technology as a form of risk mitigation to avoid technological obsolescence.

Third, it contributes to the accounting literature with its discussion of the potential future research trends related to blockchain for accounting. A permissionless blockchain has the attribute of trustlessness, meaning that no single blockchain participant can rely on other participants’ honesty. This guarantees that thedata on the blockchain are correct, complete and up to date by means of a transparent process. Analysing the role of blockchain in changing business models in different industries is sure to be a topic of great interest to researchers (Johannessen, 2013). The efficiency of new business models in comparison to traditional ones may also bring new insights for academics and practitioners.

Interesting, even over such a short period, interest in some topics is already waning, e.g. “FinTech in banking”, “cryptocurrencies and cryptoassets”, and “blockchain and taxation”. With this in mind, and given the overwhelming interest in just a handful of topics, we focused the rest of our analysis on the top four topics. In light of these insights, it becomes evident that fostering a robust culture of organizational support is paramount for realizing the full potential of blockchain technology in accounting education. Educational institutions can foster an environment where faculty members can embrace innovative teaching and learning by prioritizing initiatives that promote training, assistance, and resource allocation. Thus, investing in organizational support emerges as a strategic imperative for educational institutions seeking to harness the transformative power of blockchain technology in the realm of accounting education.

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